
Is Kayaking Good Exercise

Is Kayaking Good Exercise? Let’s See the Truth

Kayaking is up there with baseball and family game night as one of America’s great pastime activities. Every summer, millions of kayakers head out to enjoy a quiet afternoon of undisturbed tranquility and soak in the wonders of America’s countryside majesty. But being so much fun, is kayaking good exercise as well? Let’s find out.

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kayaking health benefits

11 Fantastic Benefits of Kayaking

Regardless of whether you’re clenching your paddles while white water rafting or cruising along the glassy, calm surface of a lake, kayaking is an excellent way to maintain your physical & mental fitness.  Kayaking is one of the most beneficial forms of exercise, since it: improves strength, increases fitness, helps maintain flexibility, has a multitude of mental health benefits. Here

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Which Muscles Does Kayaking Work

What Muscles Does Kayaking Work?

Most people know that kayaking helps burn calories, leading to losing a few pounds, but only a few know it can also be an excellent muscle-building activity. Kayaking involves a combination of repetitive movements, and that makes it perfect for anyone looking to bulk up around the shoulder, chest, arms, abdomen, back, and lower body area. Indeed, kayaking targets just about

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